I am new to Boost.Test so not sure if this is expected behaviour or not.
Based on this minimal test:
using boost::unit_test::test_suite;
// most frequently you implement test cases as a free functions
void my_test()
int i=2;
BOOST_WARN( sizeof(int) == sizeof(short) );
BOOST_CHECK( i == 1 );
BOOST_CHECK( i == 6 ); // will never reach this check
init_unit_test_suite( int, char* [] ) {
test_suite* test= BOOST_TEST_SUITE( " Test Suite!" );
// this example will pass cause we know ahead of time number of expected failures
test->add( BOOST_TEST_CASE( & my_test ), 0 /* expected one error */ );
return test;
Taken from this url: http://tinyurl.com/t54th (Click on BOOST_WARN).
I expect to see this output (as mentioned at the above link):
c:/development/code/practice/ test/mytest.cpp (14) : warning in test_main: condition sizeof(int) == sizeof(short) is not satisfied
c:/development/code/practice/ test/mytest.cpp (15) : error in test_main: test i==1 failed
c:/development/code/practice/ test/mytest.cpp (16) : fatal error in test_main: test i>5 failed
But I see this output
Running 1 test case...
c:/development/code/practice/ test/mytest.cpp(15): error in " my_test ": check i == 1 failed
c:/development/code/practice/ test/mytest.cpp (16): fatal error in " my_test ": critical check i > 5 failed
*** 2 failures detected (2 failures expected) in test suite "Master Test Suite"
It seems that the BOOST_WARN is not outputting a message. Is this expected behaviour?
Also another minor point in the code I have named the BOOST_TEST_SUITE “Test Suite!” but in the output it is calling it “Master Test Suite”. Is this something I am not setting right?