Hi all, I am C programmer floundering in a C++ world! I have the function that I call from C that builds a graph, runs dijkstra_shortest_paths(), then extracts the results and passes them back to a C array of structs. Code is in pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xi7vLpTx This seems to work and everything looks ok, EXCEPT the edge ids are not correct. I suspect this is because I'm not doing something correctly and I have been messing with this for a couple weeks without success, so I think its time to ask for help. So in the function: graph_add_edge(G &graph, int id, int source, int target, float8 cost) id is the edge id source is the node id at the start of the edge target is the node_id at the end of the edge cost is the cost to traverse the edge from source to target I would really appreciate it if someone could look at this and point out what I might be doing wrong. Thanks in advance, -Steve