bringiton bringiton wrote:
On 7/12/06, bringiton bringiton
wrote: On 7/12/06, Cory Nelson
ok results change when i use a larger object. clearly the list is faster
Test build/remove 64 0.812 0.531 Test build/remove 256 8.688 2.016 Test build/remove 1024 126.487 11.032
the object i used:
class SmallObject { public: SmallObject() { v = 0; s = "hello"; } int v; std::string s; };
however, i only plan on using small datatypes. for anything large, i will use pointers or shared_ptr<T>
so the results for the larger object is not very relevant to my needs
FWIW, if the objects are larger and so you would tend to use an std::list<T>, boost::ptr_vector<T> or boost::ptr_deque<T> probably performs better as long as the major application is not insertions in the middle of the data structure. Try it out: http://www.boost.org/libs/ptr_container/doc/ptr_container.html -Thorsten