"Steven T. Hatton"
From reading the documentation on boost.org, I have gotten the impression I don't need to set $BOOST_BUILD_PATH and $BOOST_ROOT.
I'm more than a little confused about how I should use the boost libraries. Part of this comes from the fact that it is not clear to me exactly where the demarkation is between using the build system to build boost, and using it to build my own programs. Some of my confusion comes from the appearant change in configuration requirements described in the documentation. It is suggested I don't need the environment variable used with earlier releases. One of these variables is $BOOST_ROOT, which the documentation used as an example of how to build boost. That example was exactly what I successfully (I believe) build the libraries with.
It doesn't hurt for you to set BOOST_ROOT, as long as you set it accurately. But you shouldn't need to.
I'm using SuSE Linux 9.1 on a P4 box. Some basic questions are these:
When I downloaded and built boost, I first fetched the source for bjam.
Unneccessary, but it shouldn't hurt. The bjam sources are in the tools/build/jam_src directory of your Boost installation.
This is the name of the file I downloaded: boost-jam-3.1.10.tgz It compiled quite nicely, and I copied the resulting bjam jam mkjambase and yyacc to a location in my path.
Why did you copy anything other than bjam?
Are there anything other things such as configuration files I need to reside with the binary executables?
Are there necessary configuration file that I need to have visible to these programs, even if they are not colocated?
Not exactly. http://www.boost.org/tools/build/jam_src/#jambase_replacement describes the file that bjam expects to see when it starts up. You might also drop a Jamrules file in the root directory of your own Boost.Build project (if you use bjam for your own project) that contains: project boost : path/to/boost_1_31_0 ; But for building from within the Boost tree itself, thes are already taken care of.
I then build boost with the command:
bjam --prefix=$BOOST_ROOT "-sTOOLS=gcc" install
after setting my BOOST_ROOT the way I wanted it. That resulted in two directories being placed in $BOOST_ROOT/ one is called $BOOST_ROOT/include/ the other is called $BOOST_ROOT/lib/. Under $BOOST_ROOT/include/ I have <path>/boost-1_31/boost/ which contains dozens of header files. I added $BOOST_ROOT/include/boost-1_31 to my $INCLUDE_PATH, and $BOOST_ROOT/lib to my $LIBRARY_PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables. Is this the correct way to configure my system to use boost?
Well, yeah, except that using the BOOST_ROOT directory for your --prefix is probably a bad idea. I would leave the --prefix option off.
Is there anything else I need to do in order to compile my programs against the boost headers and libraries?
Add the include/ directory to your #include path and the lib/ directory to your library search path?
Will the boost libraries work as well as other, comperable libraries using autotools rather than bjam? Are there any special accommodations I need to make in order to use boost with the gnu build tools?
I don't know much about those tools, so I can't really say. Maybe someone else can.
Do I need to do anything special to use boost with bjam that does not involve placing files in my current project directories? For example, do I need to provide a global configuration file of some kind? Is it a preferred option, even if not strictly required?
There is much remaining in the source directory where I compiled boost. Is that something I need to also put in an accessible place on my system?
If so, what so I need to put where, and how to I modify my environment variable to facilitate its use?
-- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com