I can extract the wave sources from boost and build the samples using bcp and gmake, but unfortunately I get three warnings.
The first two warnings are in date_time, and were briefly discussed on this list last year, but there doesn't seem to have been a resolution; the third warning is in wave.
Glad to hear!
Does bjam suppress these warnings? I haven't been able to work out the bjam build. I'm also using an old compiler (gcc 3.4.6), which might be relevant.
boost/date_time/gregorian/conversion.hpp:44: warning: missing initializer for member `tm::tm_sec'
boost/date_time/posix_time/conversion.hpp:46: warning: missing initializer for member `tm::tm_sec'
Nothing I could do about those, I'm afraid.
boost/wave/util/pattern_parser.hpp:41: warning: enumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expression
This warning is new to me, but I committed a patch which should suppress it
Suggestion: it's a pity that wave is only distributed as part of boost, given that it's so generally useful. It would be really nice if there was a stand-alone distribution in an svn repo somewhere. This would make it a lot easier to get updates.
Well, I won't be able to maintain two independent distributions, sorry. But I'm happy to hear the library is useful to you. FWIW, I'm still contemplating about making the generation of the #line directives customizable. Would you be willing to help testing such a feature? Regards Hartmut --------------- Meet me at BoostCon