I'm attempting to build an application which requires multibyte character support, for which I'm using the Glib::ustring, and needs also to use regex.
From what I understand you need to tell boost regex exactly how to iterate over your strings.
typedef boost::match_results<Glib::ustring::iterator, std::allocator<gunichar> > umatch;
typedef boost::reg_expression<Glib::ustring, boost::regex_traits<Glib::ustring> > uregex;
//making the
regex_match<ustring::iterator, std::allocator<gunichar>, ustring, regex_traits<ustring> >(str.begin(), str.end(), m, re);
//where str is a ustring, re is a uregex and m is a umatch as defined above
However I get the feeling I'm completely missing a trick, ie that's it's a lot more complex than this...
I'm using boost 1.39 and glibmm 2.4.
Could anyone provide any guidance on this, whether it's even possible without writing a lot of code, or possible alternatives?
Many thanks,