On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 23:37, Hartmut Kaiser
PS: I don't know how long you are using the Spirit.Classic AST/PT code already or whether this is a new project you just started to develop. In any case I strongly suggest to consider abandoning the Spirit.Classic tree parsers and switching to Spirit V2.1 (Boost SVN trunk). This is an interface breaking change, but overall and in the long run preferable. The Spirit.Classic tree code is known to be slow and buggy and I doubt it will be fixed. Spirit 2.1 is much faster, more stable and generally easier to use.
I know, I saw the announcement of V2 on the Website, but the documentation only is about the classic Spirit, so I used the old one. ( http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/libs/spirit/index.html automatically redirects to the classic documentation ) Once there is a documentation I will certainly consider switching to V2. But even classic is preferrable to flex/bison trouble with C++ ;) All the Best, Peter