On 27/02/14 18:11, Aaron Windsor wrote:
As described, your problem is NP-hard, which means that if you were to find a way to solve it in polynomial time in the number of vertices in the graph, you'd also be able to solve a lot of other hard problems that nobody's ever been able to solve in polynomial time. For example, given an algorithm that solves your problem, you could use that algorithm to find Hamiltonian paths in graphs: for any graph G with n vertices, just run the algorithm on that graph and the path (u, x_0, ..., x_{n-2}, v), where the x_i's are vertices not appearing in G (or, say, isolated vertices in G) and u and v are two vertices from G. If the algorithm outputs a path, it's a path of length n-1 and thus Hamiltonian. [...]
Maybe there are some additional constraints on your actual problem or the graphs you're dealing with that make it simpler than what you've described above? If so, those would be good to know. If not, and you still want to write an algorithm to do this, I'd suggest that you don't try to do anything fancy with the BGL. Your best bet will just enumerating through all candidate paths of the appropriate length and checking if the candidate is an actual path in G.
Hi Aaron, Unfortunately, you're right, it is NP-hard, however, I have some dimensions that can be relied on. The graph G can be very huge, but each node has *at most* four outgoing edges. The path P consists usually of ~50 nodes. A solution is either complete, i.e., the length of a solution is equal to the length of P, or the solution is not acceptable. The only thing I could do with BGL, then, is just to find all paths from one vertices to another, and check the length. Am I right? Thanks!