Hi, I have a fairly easy record structure which I am writing to xml using property_tree. I am trying to figure out how to do it better, since the current time spend building the tree is too high. I do the following : wiptree pt; wiptree &tvars = pt.add(L"some.recordname",L""); for( int i = 0; i < somenumber /*say 60K*/; ++i ) { wiptree &curtree = tvars.add(L"someitem",L""); curtree.add(L"<xmlattr>.name",L"some_attribute"); ... } To me this seems reasonable. Is there a faster way to do this ? Since I just want to write it out and it's quite simple, I could avoid using property_tree and write the xml file manually. But since I read it in later with property_tree, then for maintainability I would like to read and write with the same method. Thanks Bo