Hicham Mouline wrote:
Are there libraries with class templates for the following concepts:
. notion of mathematical function f(x1,x2,.,xn), and perhaps derivation/integration
. any-order multidim partial differential equations?
. multidim stochastic differential equations? Not at present, sorry, Regards, John.
If I were to attempt to implement such things, I would need to familiarize
with boost::function maybe, boost::mpl, boost::math for special functions?
I just finished reading the interesting "c++ template metaprogramming" which
such a large number of ideas that I will read once more.
Assuming the general case of a set of stochastic processes x1....xm (X is a
vector of xi):
dx1 = a1(t, X) dt + b11(t,X) dW1 + b12(t,X)dW2 + .... + b1n(t,X) dWn
dxm = am(t, X) dt + bm1(t,X) dW1 + bm2(t,X)dW2 + .... + bmn(t,X) dWn
ai: functionals of time and the state vector X
bij: functionals of time and the state vector X
Wj: non deterministic processes, governed by various statistical
distributions (e.g. Normal)
(perhaps ones listed in boost::math), with correlation matrix M
n and m would have to be runtime variables in my case as the end-user might
thousands of processes.
How would one model such a thing?
class StochasticProcessesSet {