I would like to do some topology modification, depending on bundled properties of the vertices. So i use:
vertices(const adjacency_list& g)
to get an iterator range for all vertices, then i make a loop over all vertices, search for the properties, maybe i store the iterators of some vertices for later use, but the main problem is:
I can not these iterators in functions like:
add_edge(vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v,
adjacency_list& g)
void remove_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list& g)
void clear_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list& g)
and so on...
Thats why i would like to know how to convert an vertex_iterator to an vertex_descriptor?
René Meier
Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle email: rene.meier@pharmazie.uni-halle.de
Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Str. 4 phone: (49)345 55-25043
06120 Halle (Saale) fax: (49)345 55-27355
Petition für ein Softwarepatent-Freies Europa: http://www.ffii.org/index.de.html