Joaquín Mª López Muñoz (23.5.2007 18:16):
Hello Filip,
I know nothing about VS visualizers so I'm afraid I can't help much
on that part, but feel free to ask as much as you need on the internal
structures of B.MI --publicly of privately if you feel this is going to be
a long list of mails.
[I tried replying to your email address, but I don't know whether this
ever reached you, so I retry here...]
I tried some debugging with multi_index_container > >, which is probably the simplest case. I ended
up in the "space" member of "pod_value_holder", which seems to handle
some alignment issues and from the name I guess it should also contain
the data, but I don't see it in the debugger. As for
sequenced_index_node_impl, this shows both _prior and _next, but does
not expose node data. See the attached snapshot. Do you have an idea how
could I see the one int that I inserted into the container?
I think that if we can in the end handle at least sequenced<> indices,
it's a huge helper.
Thanks very much,