AMDG On 12/1/2010 11:10 AM, Andrew Hundt wrote:
I have made my question more specific so it will be easier to answer. I need to make a conversion from a general angular_velocity to degrees/second.
There's no such thing as a general angular_velocity. I assume that you mean that you want to convert from radians/second to degrees/second.
To illustrate this problem the example boostUnits.cpp:
#include #include #include #include #include<iostream> #include<iterator> #include<algorithm> int main() { boost::units::quantity< boost::units::si::angular_velocity> m_speed((30.0*boost::units::si::radians_per_second)); std::cout<< "m_speed: "<< m_speed<< std::endl;
uint32_t result = static_cast
(boost::units::quantityboost::units::si::angular_velocity,uint32_t(m_speed*boost::units::degree::degrees/boost::units::si::seconds).value()); std::cout<< " result:"<< result<< std::endl; return(0); }
Try typedef boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< boost::units::degree::plane_angle, boost::units::si::time
::type degrees_per_second;