Boost ver: 1.45
Compiler: Visual Studio 2008
I am trying to figure out how to declare a plane angle to be
dimensionless. In the code I have so far I am using:
typedef boost::units::make_system::type
I have one velocity in radii^1.5/min and a second velocity in
radian/min. When I divide the radii^1.5/min by radian/min I am
expecting to see radii to be the final dimension. What I am seeing is
the denominator has radians in it. Here is my equation
ke = radii^1.5/min
n = radian/min
a1 = ( ke / n ) ^ (2/3)
The 'min' dimension cancel out so I am left with radii^1.5/radian
before applying the power of 2/3. Applying the power of 2 I see the
units are radii^3/radian^2 and then the 1/3 to get a final of
According to the almighty Wikipedia the radian angle is a
dimensionless term. I am wondering what is the recommended course of
action I should be taking here?