2013/3/16 Michael Powell
I wonder, has anyone built Boost for ARM?
Successfully build for RaspberryPi (ARM11 family).
Specifically, we've got an ARM5 for which I want to use Boost for many of those features, a key one is Spirit2 for at least one domain-specific-language (DSL) exposure, possibly two or three.
Spirit worked well, but lexer from Boost.Spirit has some issues, to fix them you may use patch from https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8291
That I can say, we're working with Mentor Graphics, Code Sourcery Code Bench for ARM for the moment. I think they've got current GCC language support through 4.7.2 if it matters.
My only questions are, how feasible a cross compile is Boost? Does the inclusion and linkage go about as smoothly as for any other ARM-destined output?
On Raspberry Pi we were using a lot of boost libraries: asio, optional, variant, lexical_cast, spirit, threads, program_options, tuples, fusion, MPL, function, smart_ptr (all of them), interprocess... All of them worked well on GCC 4.7.2. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin