On 25/04/2016 21:36, Christine Peters wrote:
I would be very glad if someone could help me. It seems that somehow the AUX778076 parameter defined in "boost/1_59_0/include/boost/mpl/times.hpp" is converted to ostimes during the compilation: I've changed, just for testing reasons!, in file "/boost/1_59_0/include/boost/mpl/times.hpp" the line "#define AUX778076_OP_NAME times" to "#define AUX778076_OP_NAME timestest" and then boost is searching for the correct header "timestest.hpp" but in the case of "#define AUX778076_OP_NAME times" it is searching for "ostimes.hpp" instead of "times.hpp".
Search through your previously included files for anything similar to this: #define times ostimes (This is just a guess, but it would match your reported symptoms.)