"Michael Nicolella"
My guess is probably not... Why don't you just compile the libraries using VC6 (which libraries?) ? Or better yet, buy VC8 ?
I tried to compile them with Visual C++ 7.0 and it did not work, as some of the libraries (e.g. serialization, if I remember correctly) marked that compiler as obsolete. Therefore, I doubt that it will work with Visual C++ 6.0. If the libraries (I actually meant *all* of them, as I don't know how to compile them individually) don't work with Visual C++ 6.0, then I will indeed have to buy Visual C++8.0. However, those guys at Redmond are boasting about giving away the lastest version of their compiler for free, so I am reluctant to do pay for it... -- Matthias Hofmann Anvil-Soft, CEO http://www.anvil-soft.com - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon http://www.anvil-soft.de - Die Macher des Klomanagers