----- Original Message -----
From: "David Abrahams"
Which Windows? I am using XP Pro here.
I am also using XP Pro.
And if you immediately do the same thing without the quotes, in the same directory, what happens?
I got it figured out now. The double quotes do not matter, as you thought. The problem is that bjam requires "boost-build.jam", even if just "bjam --help" is used. So I was getting the error when it could not find that and by coincidence I was using the double quotes. Then when I tried without the double quotes, I must have been in the boost directory that made bjam happy. That error message sure is unexpected if the only problem is an unrecognized option. I was too quick to assume that bjam is stupid. So if it is possible, the ideal solution would be to allow the help option to work without requiring additional input/files. We might be confused by use of double quotes, but since they are not needed unless they are needed, I think we will figure things out. When double quotes are needed, then it should be obvious to most of us when they are and how to use them.