see comments below: Merrill Cornish wrote:
I tried this:
. . . { ofstream outStream(archiveFile); boost::archive::xml_oarchive outArchive(outStream); outArchive << testObj_out; } // archive and stream closed when destructors are called . . .
Look in the manual under Tutorial/List of Examples for pointers to special considerations regarding XML. ...
E:/Dev-Cpp/Workflow/boost/include/boost/archive/basic_xml_oarchive.hpp:86: error: incomplete type `boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE< false>' used in nested name specifier
When you get a STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE look in the code where the failure occurs to find a comment on probable cause of the error. In this case you will find; // Anything not an attribute and not a name-value pair is an // error and should be trapped here. template<class T> void save_override(T & t, BOOST_PFTO int) { // If your program fails to compile here, its most likely due to // not specifying an nvp wrapper around the variable to // be serialized. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == sizeof(T)); } Which points to the manual (nvp wrappers) indicating how to fix the problem. Robert Ramey