i have found the following instructions to build Boost.Log:
> Boost.Log can be compiled by:
> 1. Getting 1.42 source release
> 2. Unpacking Boost.Log on top of it
> 3. Following the usual procedure:
> .\bootstap.bat
> .\bjam --with-log
I did the above starting from a 1.44 source release.
This worked out well.
But when trying to use the library I get a lot of linker errors in my project:
1>libboost_log-vc90-mt-gd-1_44.lib(text_file_backend.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::filesystem2::file_status [...]
(Very long error messages containing decorated names. The above is just the start)
Linker path settings should be correct, since the linker correctly finds libboost_log-vc90-mt-gd-1_44.lib.
Also the project is using other Boost libraries (Asio, shared-ptr, bind, posix-time, etc) without problems.
Anyone managed to compile and use Boost.Log on MSVC 2008 and can help?
Thank you,
Lars Ruoff