Le 06/09/15 02:21, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 05/09/15 16:27, Nat Goodspeed a écrit :
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba
<vicente.botet@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

Le 04/09/15 20:37, Nat Goodspeed a écrit :
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba
<vicente.botet@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
Please could you recall us what "not in the present form" meant as a
of the review and what has been done to overcome these issues?

I have not yet tried to address those point by point.
I don't understand then why are we doing the mini review now, before you
check that any point has at least tried to be addressed.
Sorry. How about these points:

Performance: Oliver has not only worked to improve performance, he has
included and documented performance tests you can run on your own
Great, I will check.
See below.
Documentation: The documentation now contains several new sections
explaining how to use the library for interesting/common use cases.
New examples are presented and documented.
See below.

API: The API has been aligned more closely with std::thread. C++14 is
not only supported but required. Move-only callables are supported.
Variadic parameters are supported. std::chrono is more generically
supported. Channels now support value_pop(). fiber_group has been
dropped. Migrating fibers between threads has been dropped.
See below.
That said, of course, it is up to each reviewer to state for him- or
herself whether s/he believes that the Fiber library should become
part of Boost. In particular, regardless of what Oliver or I might
synopsize, it is up to each previous reviewer to decide whether his
January 2014 objections have been addressed.
To be clear, I believe that by respect to the reviewers you should take the review summary you wrote and add a comment for each point.


Hi again,

In addition to my last request and in order to be able to write a review, I would like to know what exactly has been changed since the first review, what was expected after the review summary and what was removed, changed or added and what was the rationale.
