"Fernando Cacciola"
David Abrahams
wrote in message news:u1xvd8z63.fsf@boost-consulting.com... "Fernando Cacciola"
writes: Hi,
The link on http://www.boost.org/tools/build/index.html#Jam
states that bjam executables can be found at:
but I don't know which of the bjams there is an executable for cygwin on win98
There isn't one, but rebuilding from source is trivial.
The page should be updated then, because it says that executables are available.
They are, but not for all imaginable platforms. I guess there's an implicit reference at the end "Cygwin users can use the cygwin executable to work around Windows 9x command line length problems, but only if they are using cygwin-gcc compiler (other windows compilers don't play particularly well with this executable)." -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com