AJD wrote:
I've been trying out boost.proto lately and I've noticed that for my
expressions it tends to force my operands to be created on the stack.
The way you were defining your vector terminals confused proto into
thinking they needed to be wrapped in your vector_expr wrapper. The
extra layer of indirection is what is flummoxing msvc's optimizer. I can
only assume you went through those contortions in order to preserve the
nice aggregate initialization for your vector terminals. Try the
following instead.
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost;
// This grammar describes which lazy vector expressions
// are allowed; namely, vector terminals and addition
// and subtraction of lazy vector expressions.
struct VectorGrammar
: proto::or_<
proto::terminal< proto::_ >
, proto::if_< is_arraympl::_ > >
, proto::plus< VectorGrammar, VectorGrammar >
// Expressions in the lazy vector domain must conform
// to the lazy vector grammar
struct VectorDomain;
// Here is an evaluation context that indexes into a lazy vector
// expression, and combines the result.
struct subscript_context
subscript_context(std::size_t i) : i(i)
// Use default_eval for all the operations ...
template< typename Expr, typename Tag = typename Expr::proto_tag >
struct eval : proto::default_eval< Expr, subscript_context const >
// ... except for terminals, which we index with our subscript
template< typename Expr >
struct eval< Expr, proto::tag::terminal >
typedef typename Expr::value_type result_type;
result_type operator ()(Expr const & expr, subscript_context
const & ctx) const
return proto::arg(expr)[ctx.i];
std::size_t i;
// Here is the domain-specific expression wrapper, which overrides
// operator [] to evaluate the expression using the subscript_context.
template< typename Expr >
struct vector_expr
BOOST_PROTO_EXTENDS(Expr, vector_expr<Expr>, VectorDomain)
// Use the subscript_context to implement subscripting
// of a lazy vector expression tree.
typename proto::result_of::eval< Expr, subscript_context const >::type
operator [](std::size_t i) const
subscript_context const ctx(i);
return proto::eval(*this, ctx);
template< typename T, typename U = proto::is_proto_expr >
struct vector2;
template< typename T >
struct vector2
BOOST_PROTO_EXTENDS(typename proto::terminal::type,
vector2, VectorDomain)
typedef T value_type;
T & operator [](std::size_t i)
return proto::arg(*this)[i];
T const & operator [](std::size_t i) const
return proto::arg(*this)[i];
// Tell proto that in the VectorDomain, all
// expressions should be wrapped in vector_expr<>
struct VectorDomain
: proto::domain<
proto::pod_generator< vector_expr >
, VectorGrammar
int main()
vector2< float[3] > v1 = { 0, 1, 2 };
vector2< float[3] > v2 = { 3, 4, 5 };
vector2< float[3] > v3 = { 6, 7, 8 };
// Add two vectors lazily and get the 2nd element.
std::cout << (v1 + v2)[0];
return 0;
For me, the line "std::cout << (v1 + v2)[0]" generates:
; 107 : // Add two vectors lazily and get the 2nd element.
; 108 : std::cout << (v1 + v2)[0];
push ecx
fadd QWORD PTR __real@4008000000000000
fstp DWORD PTR tv227[esp+12]
fld DWORD PTR tv227[esp+12]
fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
call ??6?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@M@Z ;
That looks pretty good to me.
Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting