on Mon Aug 18 2008, Daniel Krügler
I would like express my respect and congratulations for the provision of boost 1.36 (which had an impressive short release cycle)!
One of the very promising new contributions is Boost.Unordered and I I would like to make a comment on the provision of operator==/operator!= as explained in
I totally agree that there exist valid and reasonable use-cases for EqualityComparable for unordered containers. In fact many unordered containers (usually named hash containers) exists in one or the other language or user-defined library which provide some form of "unordered" equality comparison, which reflects the unordered nature of the container itself and thus matches a typical user expectation.
Nevertheless there exists an unfortunate side-effect of the current implementation of operator== and operator!=, which should be mentioned in the documentation IMO. To keep a long story short: Under some given conditions, EqualityComparable of Boost.Unordered containers will violate the very basic "symmetry" property of EqualityComparable. This can happen, if the equality predicate key_eq() is a runtime-predicate and if the actual comparison is done between two different runtime-comparators.
I suggest requiring that the predicates themselves be equality comparable, and that equal predicates perform the same computation. Containers with unequal predicates would not be considered equal. -- Dave Abrahams BoostPro Computing http://www.boostpro.com