Look here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/math/doc/sf_and_dist/html/math_too...
I have also written the following inspire by Numerical Recipes:
T false_position_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t &max_iter) {
T fmin=f(min), fmax=f(max) ;
if (not is_of_opposite_sign(fmin, fmax)){ // not bracketed
max_iter=0 ;
return (std::abs(fmin)>std::abs(fmax)) ? max : min ;
if (fmax<0) { // have fmin<fmax even if min becomes > max
std::swap(min, max) ;
std::swap(fmin, fmax) ;
T fmed, diff, med=guess ;
T factor=static_cast<T>(ldexp(1., 1-digits)) ;
boost::uintmax_t count=max_iter ;
do {
fmed=f(med) ;
if (fmed==0) { --count ; break ; }
if (fmed<0) {
diff=std::abs(med-min) ;
min=med ;
fmin=fmed ;
} else {
diff=std::abs(max-med) ;
max=med ;
fmax=fmed ;
med=min-(fmin/(fmax-fmin))*(max-min) ;
} while(--count and diff>std::abs(med*factor)) ;
max_iter-=count ;
return med ;
T false_position_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits) {
boost::uintmax_t m=std::numeric_limitsboost::uintmax_t::max() ;
return false_position_iterate(f, guess, min, max, digits, m) ;
T ridders_iterate(F f, T guess, T x1, T x2, int digits, boost::uintmax_t &max_iter) {
T f1=f(x1), f2=f(x2), fm, fn ;
T xm, xn, s, diff, root=std::numeric_limits<T>::max() ;
if (not is_of_opposite_sign(f1, f2)) { // not bracketed
max_iter=0 ;
return (std::abs(f1)>std::abs(f2)) ? x2 : x1 ;
if (f1==0) {
max_iter=0 ;
return x1 ;
} else if (f2==0) {
max_iter=0 ;
return x2 ;
T factor=static_cast<T>(ldexp(1., 1-digits)) ;
boost::uintmax_t count=max_iter ;
do {
fm=f(xm=0.5f*(x1+x2)) ;
s=std::sqrt(fm*fm-f1*f2) ;
if (not s) { root=xm ; --count ; break ; }
xn=xm ;
if (f1>=f2) xn+=(xm-x1)*fm/s ; else xn-=(xm-x1)*fm/s ;
diff=std::abs(xn-root) ;
if (diff<=std::abs(root*factor)) { --count ; break ; }
fn=f(root=xn) ;
if (fn==0) { --count ; break ; }
if (is_of_opposite_sign(fn, fm)) {
x1=xm ;
f1=fm ;
x2=xn ;
f2=fn ;
} else if (is_of_opposite_sign(fn, f1)) {
x2=xn ;
f2=fn ;
} else {
x1=xn ;
f1=fn ;
diff=std::min(diff, std::abs(x2-x1)) ;
} while (--count and diff>std::abs(root*factor)) ;
max_iter-=count ;
return root ;
T ridders_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits){
boost::uintmax_t m=std::numeric_limitsboost::uintmax_t::max();
return ridders_iterate(f, guess, min, max, digits, m) ;
F. Bron
boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org a écrit sur 11/09/2008 05:57:02 :
There are a few root finding algorithm in the above file. I'm not sure
if there is the false-position method in there?
What I want is give an interval which only has one root. I want to
always find the root in that interval. I'm wondering if any function
in that header can do so or not.
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