template<>> void sc::asynchronous_state_machine<> YourClassName, YourInitialStateName >::initiate_impl() {}
Now I try to define and test some "contents" of my FSM, and for some reason it doesn't work so far...
The 1st problem is that in_state_reaction(s) are not triggered. The machine enters some inner state, then EvMyEvent1 is posted by the machine creator. The in_state_reactions are defined at the outermost level - in MyMachine itself. IIUC, any event that has no reaction in a current state, is forwarded to the outer one, right? So the foolowing definition should be ok:
class MyMachine : public sc::asynchronous_state_machine, public SomeOtherBaseClass{ void doSomething1(const EvMyEvent1 &ev) { //implementation } void doSomething2(const EvMyEvent2 &ev) { //implementation }public: typedef mpl::list < sc::in_state_reaction, sc::in_state_reaction, > reactions;};
However, doSomething() functions are not called, and I even can't put there breakpoint (dropped out by the linker?). It I define them in cpp, the breakpoints can be set, but the functions are not called anyway...
Any idea would be appreciated!
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