18 Apr
18 Apr
10:06 p.m.
On 16.04.2014 13:14, Pritesh Acharya wrote:
Boost version: 1.55.0 OS: Windows 8 IDE: Visual Studio 2010 Is there a good tutorial on building boost iostream with zlib on windows.
We use the following flag when building boost: -sZLIB_SOURCE=c:\path\to\zlib where "c:\path\to\zlib" is the directory containing the files extracted from the zlib archive. The complete command line for reference (with bzip2 as well): b2 -a -q -j8 address-model=64 link=static threading=multi runtime-link=shared variant=release --with-iostreams -sBZIP2_SOURCE=c:\path\to\bzip2 -sZLIB_SOURCE=c:\path\to\zlib stage - Asbjørn