Native UTF8 support would be a great improvement though.
https://github.com/brycelelbach/prana/tree/master/boost/spirit/home/prana/in... https://github.com/brycelelbach/prana/tree/master/boost/spirit/home/prana/ou... Includes native UTF8 support. Tests are also available in that repository. I have a compiler that compiles the JSON objects in the utree AST into TST lookups. The utree AST can be treated as a boost optional, a boost variant, a boost any, a std::string, an integer, a double, an std::list (with random access, slow, though) and other things. The interface is documented in Spirit from the top of trunk. I will commit the AST json object -> ternary search tree compiler sometime today. P.S. Tests are here: https://github.com/brycelelbach/prana/tree/master/libs/spirit/test/prana - -- Bryce Lelbach aka wash boost-spirit.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAk0eCrsACgkQO/fqqIuE2t7SygCg3MmHVl0WI4HrpO/wSZugNJOH m/MAoMnlqfgxGSqGvOABLX3tRNUm3Jgq =pgpd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----