24 Feb
24 Feb
3:12 a.m.
std::wstring csRegex(L"((\(\d{3}\)?)|(\d{3}))([\s-./]?)(\d{3})([\s-./]?)(\d{4})")
Hi Steve,
I didn't hardcode the value like the example you pointed out. I read the value
from a CDATA section in an xml document so the value should be probably
escaped and stored in csRegex, which is a CString. Thanks
Steven Watanabe
How do you create the regex?
std::wstring csRegex(L"((\(\d{3}\)?)|(\d{3}))([\s-./]?)(\d{3})([\s-./]?)(\d{4})")
won't work because the \'s are handled by the compiler before they get to the regex library.
In Christ, Steven Watanabe