I have been attempting to generate a build environment for boost in which two targets are involved: 1) Native GCC (Whatever the host build system is) 2) DENX ELDK 4.1 (PowerPC 4xx / Linux) With the assumption that (1) and (2) are both GCC-based, I have (1) working well enough. However, the information at: http://lists.boost.org/boost-users/2007/01/24400.php Seems stale for 1.35.0 in that GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY, GCC and GXX are no longer referenced. My general recipe in my top-level "glue" makefile is as follows, with commands to extract the source, build a link farm, build any objects and install the library: BoostArchive = boost_1_35_0.tar.gz BoostSource = boost_1_35_0 BoostConfigure = $(BuildDirectory)/configure BoostMakefile = $(BuildDirectory)/Makefile BoostUserConfig = $(BuildDirectory)/user-config.jam BoostLibraries = filesystem \ thread BoostLibrariesList = $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(BoostLibraries))) $(BoostSource): $(BoostArchive) tar -zxvf $< $(BoostConfigure): | $(BoostSource) lndir -silent $(CURDIR)/$(BoostSource) $(BuildDirectory) $(BoostMakefile) $(BoostUserConfig): $(BoostConfigure) cd $(BuildDirectory) && \ BJAM_CONFIG="" \ $(BoostConfigure) \ --prefix=$(ResultDirectory) \ --with-toolset=gcc \ --without-icu \ --with-libraries=$(BoostLibrariesList) build: $(BoostMakefile) unset MAKEFLAGS && \ $(MAKE) -C $(BuildDirectory) \ BJAM_CONFIG="" \ all install: unset MAKEFLAGS && \ $(MAKE) -C $(BuildDirectory) \ BJAM_CONFIG="" \ install My suspicion is that there's some new 1.35.0-specific magic to pass via BJAM_CONFIG that allows me to specify the GCC and G++ executables (and longer-term, the OS since that might be cross-compiled too rather than Linux in both cases). Any insights on what that new magic might be? Regards, Grant