Hi I have a question about semantic actions which generate the equivalent of synthesized attributes. It seems that the right hand side of the expression below rule = element [rule.val = val_type(some_params)]; will require the type of val in the closure associated with rule to be val_type which has a constructor which looks like val_type::val_type(some_params). Its not clear to me however how I would synthesize an attribute which is a pointer to some type. For example, in the closure I would like the type of synthesized attribute to be val_type* and for the right hand side of assignment above to be val_type(some_params)() which returns a val_type* where the following was true of the () operator : const val_type* val_type::operator () {do something and eventually return a val_type*;} I'd be very grateful if someone could clue me in on how I might do this. thanks venkat