hi Duccio, I'm BGL true newbie, too.
I suspect that I'm violating some intrinsic size limit in the BGL adjacency_list class or similar. Are there such limits, and can they be extended? Any clue would be really appreciated.
Sorry, I don't know how large the BGL's limitation is. But I can show you my experience. I've tried to treat a graph for a few weeks. succeed: 5E+5 vertices and 5E+6 edges (required 500MB memory) failure: 1E+6 vertices and 1E+7 edges (runs short of the memory and incredibly slow, so I stopped it manually.I think it will succeed, if I have more large memory.) The environment I tried is.. windowsXP ram 512MB(paging size:2GB) vc++6.0 with STL it includes. I wonder these limitation also is related to size of property map. otsusan