Terje Slettebø wrote:
I've brought this thread to Kevlin Henney's attention, as I've tended to take care of lexical_cast related questions on the list (including forwarding things needing his consideration, such as any changes to lexical_cast, to him). I'm replying here to let you know that your report is being taken care of.
Many, many thanks!
1. lexical_cast(Source arg) takes the source argument by value. Why not by const& ? Calling lexical_cast(some_basic_string) now makes a copy of the source argument for no reason.
I heard from Kevlin that the reason was that there originally were some issues with binding to string literals. Changing it to use const reference in my local copy still gives a lot of error messages, having to do with std::numeric_limits being used in the implementation. If we find a way to fix this (yet letting it still work on compilers with no class template partial specialisation, like MSVC 6), without breaking existing programs, then apparently, this change should be ok. If anyone makes a patch for this, it would be welcome.
Hmmm, interesting. I'll give it a look. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to think of something...
2. lexical_cast ignores trailing whitespaces, but not leading whitespaces. Meaning that
int a = lexical_cast<int>("3 "); // three-space
will work and return 3, but
int a = lexical_cast<int>(" 3"); // space-three
will throw. Why? There's no rationale here. Both cases should be treated in the same manner, and IMHO, that manner should be throwing.
In Kevlin's reply to me, he agreed with this. This has been fixed, and will likely be committed soon, and a note posted about the update.
Great! Thanks again.