Eventhough I love filtered graphs I do not see how it would work in your situation assuming that you don't always use the same source vertex (If you do use the same source vertex it will be a good option). I would probably make my own breath first search on the boost graph that kept track of the depth and stopped after depth 5-6. Best Line ________________________________________ Fra: boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org [boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] På vegne af Anders Wallin [anders.e.e.wallin@gmail.com] Sendt: 2. august 2010 16:46 Til: boost-users Emne: [Boost-users] BGL: interrupting breadth_first_search() at a certain distance/predicate? Hi all, I have a graph where I start at a certain vertex and want to find the next undiscovered vertex at a maximum distance of 5 or so from the source vertex. Now I am running breadth_first_search() using a record_distances() visitor and I get the distances to all other vertices (say 10 000 of them) in my graph. This makes my algorithm slow, since I only need to know about vertices at a max distance of 5-6, not all of them. Is there a way of interrupting the algorithm when a certain predicate function supplied by me evaluates to true? (e.g. max distance reached, or a new interesting/valid vertex found, etc) thanks, AW _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list Boost-users@lists.boost.org http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users