29 May
29 May
2:07 a.m.
"Andy Little"
Further helpful (I hope) criticism of the getting started Docs for boost 1.33.1
In http://www.boost.org/doc/html/bbv2/installation.html
In the heading section entitled Chapter22 Installation, paragraph numbered 2. The second sentence reads:
"Go to the Boost.Build root directory and run bjam --version. You should see: " etc
It is too easy to assume this refers to the directory $(BOOST_ROOT)/build rather than $(BOOST_ROOT)/build/v2 and if you execute the command there you get a cryptic error message.
Andy, we're retiring v1 for the upcoming Boost release, so all the confusion between Boost.Build (v1) and Boost.Build v2 will go away. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com