On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 05:39, Peter <lq.yan@siat.ac.cn> wrote:
Dear all,

I'm a newer to boost library. when i try to use the boost library to get the files of current directory, I found it is so difficult to get some help from boost HTML document.
Is there any document could teach me to use boost library API? Most of time,  i use visual studio, MSDN teach me how to use API.
So i think Boost maybe has similar documents to help me improving coding speed.

Hi Peter and welcome,

Boost is a set of libraries, not only one library. You can think Boost is a "quality label" to make it more clear. 

That means that each library have it own purpose, might be totally independant of other Boost libraries and have an interface specifically thought to solve a specific kind of problem. So not all libraries can share the same interface.

That also mean that each library have to have it's documentation separate from the others. 

As Boost is totally independant from companies like Microsoft, you can't (AFAIK) automatically provide a way to get the Boost documentation in MSDN browser. Maybe the Microsoft guys will allow it later, you never know (someone from the VS team said in a recent video that they might focus on tools easing library integration or browsing or something).

It looks like you're looking for functions in Boost.FileSystem? Maybe this function? http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/filesystem/v3/doc/reference.html#current_path

I agree that having documentation non-uniform between the libraries don't help looking for information. However, if you are in a mindset where each library is really independant, it might help. 
If you have problems to understand a library or find information about it in it's documentation, then I think posting here like you did and point the problems to the authors will allow them to improve that documentation.

Joël Lamotte.