Rene Rivera wrote: [snip]
The libs versioned creates are internally versioned. It only creates *links/copies* with the unversioned names.
Yes; it's exactly this copy that I'd like to suppress. Is there a way to do that? (Brutal modifications to the Boost build infrastructure are welcome suggestions; I just need some direction here.)
For example, in Windows, if you link to the unversioned DLL link library (boost_*.lib), the resulting binary will depend on the versioned DLLs. Same applies on the Unix side.
I don't think so. Looking at Solaris, anyway: $ ls -shF lib/libboost_thread* 1.0K lib/ 240K lib/* 240K lib/* That's after building with "variant=debug link=shared threading=multi". The first listed there is a symlink; the latter two are not. I'm reasonably sure that if I linked against the last one in this listing, that dependency is exactly what I'd get. Braden