Björn Karlsson
I would love to know what everyone here wants from a new (general) Boost book. (Feel free to contact me off list with your thoughts.)
I can usually find detailed API docs online OK, and often code samples. What can be hard is getting a high-level overview of what's available, learning scenarios that the different classes were designed for, and finding the details that would let you decide which to use. For example, I can easily find the methods for shared_ptr, but what are the circumstances where I might want to use that? And when do I use auto_ptr vs. shared_ptr? Things that I know now after using both for awhile, but didn't know when I first started out. Basically, what would be useful to me would be the advice of an experienced C++/Boost programmer on how to get the most out of boost. As far as individual libraries, thorough documentation on asio would be very useful. Hope this feedback is helpful! -----Scott.