----- Original Message -----
From: "Hipatia"
I'm trying to get the id number of a thread just to write it to the standard output.
Since I'm not an expert in c++ programming, let me explain what I do (even if it's quite simple): a create an instance as follows, boost::thread::id thread_id= boost::this_thread::get_id(); By debugging my code with Visual Studio, I see that 'thread_id' has an 'unsigned int' object member called 'id', so I would like to display this value. Unfortunately, I cannot find in the boost documentation any function member of boost::thread::id class that returns its value.
Hi, have you tried with the native_hadle() function. One major caveat: you can not revover directly the current boost::thread using the interface provided by the library,incroyable, isn't it? So you will need to maintain a map from boost::thread::id to boost::thread* or native_handle_type HTH, Vicente