From: "Mark Snelling"
Ok, I understand the following:
But when I try to use the boost::checked_deleter on the objects held in a map using your solution to my first problem I don't seem to be able to get it to compile:
void for_each_pair(It first, It last, F f) { for(; first != last; ++first) { f(first->first, first->second); } } int main() { std::map
blocks; std::for_each_pair(blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), boost::bind(boost::checked_delete<Block>(), _2)); }
checked_delete is a function template (no trailing 'r'); checked_deleter is a class template. :-) Also, on MSVC 6/7 you need to specify a return type when binding general function objects: boost::bind<void>(boost::checked_deleter<Block>(), _2)