12 Nov
12 Nov
1:12 p.m.
David Abrahams wrote:
Nigel Rantor
writes: Yep. Any suggestions welcome, is there one canonical reference I should be aware of?
?? The C++ Standard is the canonical reference
http://www.jamesd.demon.co.uk/csc/faq.html#B1 http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470846747,descCd-tableOf...
*sigh* Yes, I thought I was being clear, apparently not. I meant out of ALL of the possible references out there is there one above all others that people would recommend. Implicit in this is that all reference books are NOT created equal. Which of the above two would you reccomend and why? Any idea regarding the extreme difference in price of them? n