What should be the return type for a function that returns an adapted range? E.g. 

template<class Range>
xxx  getIndirected( const Range& r ) {
   return r | boost::adaptors::indirected;

The use case being, providing a API with these little useful helpers without forcing the user to know about Boost.Range at all. Like so: 

#include <myapi.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

LegacyPointerContainers f; // contains Foo pointers

BOOST_FOREACH( Foo& f, TraverseFoo( f ) ) {


/// where in myapi.hpp

xxx TraverseFoo( LegacyPointerContainers& f )  { return getIndirected( makeRange(f) ) ; }

PS: This is all C++03.  No autos. 

