
Following a previous thread that asked about how to parallelize a large number of calculations, I took this summary:


I am thinking of choosing a simple model whereby:

There are M computers (possibly heterogeneous). I will stick to 1 process per computer.

Each process will have N threads. Giving a total M*N "execution units".

I will take a simple solution in that the M and N are fixed though determined at runtime.


So there is this pool of M*N exec units and I give them 100 000 tasks to do.

Those tasks get scheduled in the same process/computer, they share their memory.

Each of the computers gets a duplicate of the memory used as inputs to the tasks.


For thread pool, TBB, boost::asio were suggested. I believe there is also threadpool.sourceforge.net

For the cross-computer communication, boost::mpi.


Is this something boost::mpi + mpi can help with?

