maybe it is not the best place to ask but at this moment I have no other
idea where to go. This question is just a preamble for all the comming,
BOOST related, questions of mine.
So, I have a C++ class, the Apple, at the moment in the std namespace:
class Apple {
void eat_an_apple(int p_bites);
int bites; // number of bites to eat an apple
I have a C application, an apple picker, first the header:
typedef void CApple;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
CApple* pick_an_apple();
void eat_an_apple(const CApple *p_the_apple, int p_bites);
void wash_your_hands(CApple *p_the_apple);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
and the code, too: