On Wed, 31 Mar 2010, Figa Pelosa wrote:
My graph is an:
typedef adjacency_list < mapS, vecS, undirectedS, my_vertexProperty,
property < edge_weight_t, float > > Graph;
I have 100 edges, and I also have an array with 100 weights.
How do I assign weight[i] to edge[i], and how do I create a
weightmap to use in dijkstra_shortest_paths()?
The easiest way would probably be the "obvious" one -- iterate through
edges(g) and the weight array in parallel, and assign corresponding
elements. I.e., (using ):
size_t i = 0;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, g, Graph) {
put(edge_weight, g, e, weight[i]);
You could also use your weight array directly by creating an
iterator_property_map to use as the weight map, but this would require
filling in an edge_index property map that corresponds to the edge order
in your weight array.
Since you have an internal edge_weight property in your graph, you can
leave off the weight_map parameter to dijkstra_shortest_paths; your
internal property will be found automatically.
-- Jeremiah Willcock