Yes Nat, I think I'll end up doing that.

Thanks Michael, I know that there is jGraphT but I haven't got a look into it. I was just asking around first. I'll definitely give that a try.

Thank you all for the help.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015, 4:12 AM Nat Goodspeed <> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Yolanda Septiana <> wrote:

> So what option do I have to be able to use Boost? I think I should a file
> based graph generated by Java and process them with Boost.

I'm not sure if this is what you said above, but another possibility would be:

* Write your graph data to one or more files.
* Write code to cause the Java program to execute a C++ program and
wait for it to finish.
* Write a C++ program to read those files and use Boost.Graph, or
whatever, to process them.
* Write the C++ program output to another file.
* Read the results file back into the Java program.

That might be more straightforward than trying to pass all your graph
data back and forth across the language boundary.
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