I have a problem I don't know how to solve.
I want to try an example from an article
from Dr. Dobbs 'The Boost.Threads Library'. When I try to
compile it I get a "Fatal Error error
1001: F1001 Internal code generator error".
I need your help. I'm stuck with this
I use CodeGear™ RAD Studio 2007
Version 11.0.2902.10471 in a Windows XP SP3 and Boost
I have built Boos with complete option to
use the libs in debug builds.
The code is as follows:
#pragma hdrstop
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
boost::mutex io_mutex;
void count(int id);
void count(int id)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
std::cout << id << ":
" << i << std::endl;
#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::thread thrd1(
boost::bind(&count, 1)); <= here occurs the F1001 fatal error
boost::thread thrd2(
boost::bind(&count, 2));
return 0;
The Output is:
Genereringen startade 2008-10-23 11:11:15.
Projekt C:\Documents and Settings\e-echapel\My Documents\RAD
Studio\Projects\ThreadsLab\MutexLab1.cbproj (MakeOne mål):
Mål _MakeOne:
Mål BccCompile:
c:\program files\codegear\rad
studio\5.0\bin\bcc32.exe -D_DEBUG;NO_STRICT -D_RTLDLL;_NO_VCL
-I"C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0";"c:\program
files\codegear\rad studio\5.0\include";"c:\program files\codegear\rad
studio\5.0\include\dinkumware";"c:\program files\codegear\rad
studio\5.0\include\vcl";ThreadsLab;"c:\program files\codegear\rad
studio\5.0\include\Indy10";"c:\program files\codegear\rad
studio\5.0\RaveReports\Lib";C:\boost\include -y -v -vi- -k -r- -c -tWC
-tWM -H=Debug\MutexLab1.pch -oDebug\MutexLab1.obj -w-par -Od -vi- -v
MutexLab1.cpp(28,47): Fatal Error error 1001: F1001 Internal
code generator error
Genereringen av målet BccCompile i projektet
MutexLab1.cbproj misslyckades.
Genereringen av målet _MakeOne i projektet MutexLab1.cbproj
Projektgenereringen av MutexLab1.cbproj misslyckades.
Genereringen misslyckades.
MutexLab1.cpp(28,47): Fatal Error error 1001: F1001 Internal
code generator error
0 varningar
1 fel
Förfluten tid: 00:00:01.12
Misslyckades = failed
varningar = warnings
fel = error
Thanks in advance