hi all!
i have a problem with the async_read_some function.

i code a client to connect a server, after login the server will send a lot of FAST(FIX Adapted for Streaming)  Data constantly. i just use ip::tcp::socket.async_read_some function to read the data from server, but the interface of the server software sometime  show that there are  some data package wait for send(maybe my client not receive then immidiately).but, when i use a commercial client to connect and receive data from the server, there is no data package wait for send on the server.

my code:

BODY_LEN = 1024 * 1024 * 4 //4M
boost::array<char, BODY_LEN> body_;
void client::login_handler(const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (ec)
error_.code = ec.value();
strncpy(error_.msg, ec.message().c_str(), ERROR_MSG_LEN - 1);
error_.msg[ERROR_MSG_LEN - 1] = '/0';
glog.error("login_handler get an error: %s", error_.msg);
boost::bind(&client::login_handler, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,

static bool first = true;
if (first)
heartbeat_inteval_ = 10;
first = false;

there is a deadline_timer to send heartbeat to server every 10 seconds , user the same socket_ .

i user asio handler tracking to debug, and found that sometimes between the async_read_some function call and their callback function call are more than 100ms, i don't kown why becasue the server send data always, and other commercial client is ok?


could someone give some suggest? thanks a lot!