Hi, I'm trying to use Boost libraries with eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 compiler (Windows CE applications development). I'd like to catalogue as much as possible Boost libraries which can be used with eVC++ 4.0 compiler. Currently, I can use smart pointers successfully. I also tried to use boost\date_time libraries and I found most of them can not be used with eVC++. I got "unknown CE compiler" error message. So, I suppose I will get that message in most cases. As I revealed there is a compiler detection mechanism in file boost\config\compiler\visualc.hpp but I couldn't find out how exactly it is used. I'd like to identify all Boost libraries which can not be used with eVC++. Could anyone give me a few hints about how to start such identification? Are there any macro definitions or can I expect that visualc.hpp can help me in this task? Thank in advance for all comments Best regards -- Mateusz Łoskot http://mateusz.loskot.net