What bothers me is the fact that it doesn't segfault (with or without mpirun) as a 'classical' executable with main() function, but it crashes when I run it as a boost test without mpirun.
Any difference in behavior if you muck with the various header-only vs
linked Boost.Test configurations? In the linking scenario, any
difference if you manually move -lboost_unit_test_framework around
relative to what `mpicxx -show` tells you?
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Martin Vymazal
==11986== by 0x5577324: ompi_mpi_init (ompi_mpi_init.c:541)
Having recently been by OpenMPI vs MPICH issues in another context, give MPICH a shot. Glad you've got it somewhat isolated. I'm sorry but I've currently not got the time to dig further into this. Best of luck. - Rhys